Colouring set with 12 pencils made of poplar wood. By opting for a colouring set made from wood coming from responsibly managed forests, you can support more sustainable and ethical practices in the production of art supplies. Delivered with a manual in a kraft paper box. Pencil size: 87 x 7 mm.
Colouring set with 6 pencils made of poplar wood. By opting for a colouring set made from wood coming from responsibly managed forests, you can support more sustainable and ethical practices in the production of art supplies. Delivered with a manual in a kraft paper box. Pencil size: 87 x 7 mm.
12 coloured pencils and 10 colouring pages with 40 blank, white sheets for drawing. Packaged in a paper tr-fold case. Decoration not available on components.
12 marker pens, 12 colouring pencils, 12 wax crayons, 12 watercolour paint, paint brush, sharpener, eraser and large paper clip. Decoration not available on components.
Set of 12 water paint colours, 12 coloured pencils, 12 colouring pens, 12 oil pastels, 12 crayons, palettes, glue, eraser, sharpener, HB pencil and paint brush presented in a wooden case. Decoration not available on components.